An Explanation

Okay, so this page is basically going to function as my way of explaining anything weird about myself and my identity. Exposition about myself and how I view the world and how I view my own identity. If you're interested in that kind of thing, feel free to stick around.

Your Gender?

I know my gender identity sounds a bit complicated, so I figured I could explain it here.

I'm a cisgenderqueer lesbian. To a lot of people, this might sound contradictory. Isn't to be genderqueer included under the trans umbrella? Not for me. While my experience with gender is queer due to my being a lesbian, I still identify with my gender assigned at birth. This makes me both cis and genderqueer. My lesbian identity is a bit simpler, I'm a woman who loves women.


This is another subject that's technically less complicated than it sounds.

While I am a lesbian, I am also on the aromantic spectrum. Specifically, I'm greyroflux. This means that while my capacity for romantic attraction is fluid, it can also be classified as greyromantic.

I first came across this term on accident. I made it up and then took to the internet to see if anybody else had already coined it, and they had! So I made a flag and went on with my day.

Your Conditions?

I am professionally diagnosed for all my listed conditions. I've been diagnosed with ADHD, anxiety, and depression since I was very young. My borderline diagnosis is the most recent.
