
May 19th, 2023

Well, hi there! I guess you must be interested in the kind of stuff I have to say. That's pretty special! I tend to talk people's ears off, so it's nice to know that there are people out there actually interested in listening. I hope you and I can get along. I hope I didn't scare you away in my introduction, some of the stuff in there I don't really talk about a lot due to stigma. That's why I'm staying anonymous.

I've already introduced myself so I guess there's no reason to do that again. If you've made it this far chances are you know who I am and what I'm about, at least a little bit. I'm very left leaning and very loud in my beliefs when they come up. I vocally defend the queer community that I'm a part of, as well as touch on the subjects of mental health and disability when I can. I wish I had more opportunities to be active but I live kind of in the middle of nowhere and we only just started having pride celebrations at all. I hope that in the future I'll have more opportunities to be active in my community.

Speaking of being active in my community, I went to my most recent job interview today. I think it went really well! But now I have to wait to hear back for a few weeks. That's always the worst part, the waiting. The job is part time at the small museums in my area. I'll basically have to help out guests, fill out information, clean up after visitors, etc.

That might sound a bit monotonous and boring but I really love the environment. I've worked there before doing other things, so I really hope that I can work there again now that I'm looking for something a little more permanent.

Anyways, thank you for deciding to read my journal! I'll update it when things happen in my life. It'll be fun, right? I hope you stick around! <3

June 15th, 2023

What's up? Happy pride! Sorry I disappeared for weeks like that! I'm still continuing the job hunt from before. I didn't get the position I was really aiming for, and that was pretty upsetting. But hey, you can't win them all, right?

I've applied to more jobs since this, including some theatre related positions that I thought would be interesting. My dad really wants me to work from home but I feel like that would drive me insane. Being stuck in the house all the time like that without reasons to go anywhere.

I'll take any job at this point, I really just want to have somewhere to go and something to do. It would be nice to have more structure in my life as opposed to how open my schedule is right now.
